Problems Setting Up Wspr-x For Mac

SettingProblems setting up wspr-x for mac

To interface the audio connections an virtual audio cable is used Items 2) to 5) are possible, here I illustrate the use of 2), VB Cable. To send CAT signals Virtual Serial Ports are used, here I illustrate The K5FR Virtual Port Manager. If your SDR is listed in WSJT-X's CAT then Get and install your virtual cable You need two to start, this one gives a total of 3 once you have donated. This one is more expensive but many more cables are available.

Problems Setting Up Wspr-x For Mac Pro

DO NOT USE THE DEMO VERSION FOR TRANSMITTING! A voice announcement is superimposed. Get and install your virtual COM ports. Here are two possibilities. Then reduce WSJT-X Pwr so that a power meter reads 1 watt into a dummy load. Many dual-meter SWR meters will indicate this level easily when connected in reverse, the reverse indication becomes forward power.

HDSDR when set to transmit displays the audio INPUT level below the meter. Go to the 'S-Meter Calibration' tab when transmitting your measured 1 watt. The 'Current Level' displayed under the meter will be shown.

Enter 30dBm in 'Correct Level' and click 'Calculate'. Then the indication below the meter should say 30dBm.

If not click 'Reset' and try again.