Unix The Basics Unix For Mac

Ok, so you want to learn how to use the Bash command line interface (terminal) on Unix/Linux. Or, it's part of a subject you're doing and so you're learning it because you have to. Either way, that's great.

You're learning how to use a powerful tool that can make your life easier, and make you awesome (more so than I'm sure you already are). Introduction The following pages are intended to give you a solid foundation in how to use the terminal, to get the computer to do useful work for you. You won't be a Unix guru at the end but you will be well on your way and armed with the right knowledge and skills to get you there if that's what you want (which you should because that will make you even more awesome).

Here you will learn the Linux command line (Bash) with our 13 part beginners tutorial. It contains clear descriptions, command outlines, examples, shortcuts and best practice. At first, the Linux command line may seem daunting, complex and scary. It is actually quite simple and intuitive (once you understand what is going on that is), and once you work through the following sections you will understand what is going on.

Unix likes to take the approach of giving you a set of building blocks and then letting you put them together. This allows us to build things to suit our needs.

With a bit of creativity and logical thinking, mixed in with an appreciation of how the blocks work, we can assemble tools to do virtually anything we want. The aim is to be lazy. Why should we do anything we can get the computer to do for us?

The only reason I can think of is that you don't know how (but after working through these pages you will know how, so then there won't be a good reason). A question that may have crossed your mind is 'Why should I bother learning the command line? The Graphical User Interface is much easier and I can already do most of what I need there.' To a certain extent you would be right, and by no means am I suggesting you should ditch the GUI.

Some tasks are best suited to a GUI, word processing and video editing are great examples. At the same time, some tasks are more suited to the command line, data manipulation (reporting) and file management are some good examples.

Some tasks will be just as easy in either environment. Think of the command line as another tool you can add to your belt. As always, pick the best tool for the job. Outline This Linux tutorial is divided into 13 sections. In general I recommend you work through them in order but if you've come here just to learn about a specific topic then feel free to just go straight to that one. You can now jump into section 1 and get started or keep reading below to learn a little more about this tutorial. What is it, how does it work and how do I get to one.

An introduction to the Linux directory system and how to get around it. Find out some interesting characteristics of files and directories in a Linux environment. Learn how to make the most of the Linux commands you are learning. How to make, remove, rename, copy and move files and directories. Discover a powerful Linux based text editor. Also referred to as globbing, this is a means to refer to several files in one go.

Learn to identify and change the permissions of files and directories and what the consequences of these are. An introduction to various commands that allow us to mangle data in interesting and useful ways. Master a powerful pattern matching language that is useful for analysing and processing data. Join commands together in powerful combinations. See what is currently running on your Linux system and what state the system is in, learn how to kill programs that have hung and put jobs in the background. Be happy. Get the computer to do tedious and repetitive tasks for you.

A quick reference for the main points covered in this tutorial. Structure The best way to learn the Linux command line is as a series of small, easy to manage steps. This tutorial is organised as such, with each section building upon the knowledge and skills learned in the previous sections. If you work through them in order, read them fully (there is a fair bit of material but it is important for getting a proper understanding) and practice on the command line as you go I believe you should have a fairly pleasant and smooth journey to Linux command line mastery. 99 times out of 100 when a student has troubles with this stuff I find that it is not that they are incapable but that they were lazy and didn't read the material fully. Each section is structured in the following format:.

An introduction outlining what you will learn in that section. Detailed material including extensive examples.

A summary of programs covered in that section and the most important concepts. A set of activities to help you solidify your knowledge and skills. Think of the activities not as tutorial questions (such as you may get in a class at school) but as direction on where to explore in the Linux environment to benefit from your new knowledge and skills. Treat the activities as a starting point for exploration. The further you take it, the better you will do. (How well you do and how far you go depends on how unlazy you are.) This site is also designed to work well on tablets.

I know a lot of students like to be at their computer doing work and have their tablet next to them with reference material on it. If that is you then this site works quite well with that set up. Another good approach is to have your browser on one half of the screen of your computer and a terminal on the other half so you can try out the examples as you go. Some general house rules:. I'll refer to Linux in the following pages, whenever I do, assume I'm actually saying Unix/ Linux. Linux is an offshoot of Unix and behaves pretty much exactly the same.

Whenever you see, what this means is that you are to replace this with something useful. Replace the whole thing (including the ). If you see something such as then it usually means replace this with a number.

Whenever you see something this usually means that this something is optional. When you run the command you may put in the something or leave it out. Problem Solving and Creative Thinking If you wish to succeed with the Linux command line then there are two things you need, Problem solving and Creative thinking. Here are some basic pointers to help you along the way. Explore and experiment. Remember, you're learning about a set of building blocks and with them you can build almost anything. The examples you will find are intended to be an illustration of how they work, not the only thing you can do with them.

I encourage you to tweak the examples and see how they behave. This will give you a much better understanding on how they work. You will have a lot of questions along the way along the lines of 'What if.?' And 'Can I.?' To which I say, 'Give it a go and see what happens.' The worst you can really get is an error message.

In which case you read the error message to understand why it didn't work, then have another go. Don't hold back!. Read carefully and don't skip over the fine details. I can't stress this enough. The fine details are important and are often the difference between your command working and not working. If something isn't working then re-read the material carefully and re look over what you have typed in to make sure you haven't make a silly little typo.

Basic unix tutorial

So the general approach is:. Create an hypothesis. Run your command to test this hypothesis. Observe the output. If it is what you were expecting, great.

If not then continue. Analyse the output and adjust your understanding accordingly. Rinse and repeat till you get what you are after.

Learn more about. Obtaining Linux Learning Linux is like riding a bike, you can only become proficient by actually doing.

So before getting started, make sure you have access to a terminal. Luckily, you have several options available to you here. If you are on a Mac then you are in luck, you already have a terminal. Another option is to run Linux. Linux is completely free and there are many good distros out there. Some I would recommend include (which is quite popular and easy to use) and (My personal favourite).

If you take this approach then there are a few ways you can go. If you have a spare machine then you can just install it on that.

You can create a dual boot system (ie both Windows and Linux are installed on the computer, you choose which to run when you boot up.). Most modern Linux distros will handle creating this for you when you install it (resizing existing windows partitions as well). Do back up any important files before doing this method though (I've never seen it fail but better to be safe). You can run Linux in a virtual machine. Is a nice tool to use for this and it's totally free too. You may also have access to a machine remotely either at work or uni. If you do then remotely logging into these to access a terminal is an option as well.

About the Author Hi. My name is Ryan Chadwick and I have been teaching Linux to students for over 10 years now. It's something that I very much enjoy.

Unix The Basics Unix For Mac Mac

In a world where we are increasingly hiding the complexities away from users (smart phones and tablets in particular), it is always satisfying to give that power back to people and allow them to do much more with their technology. But teaching is only one of the things I do.

I also develop and manage websites, and manage computer systems for a few different organisations. I feel that all my work is complementary and benefits from what I learn in the others.

Combined, they give me a fairly good understanding of how technology works, and also an understanding of how people use technology, perceive technology, learn technology and work around technology. This website is both for you, and for me. For you, it is a digital form of what I have been teaching my students over the years. For me, it is an opportunity to clarify and polish what I teach and how I deliver it. To these ends, if you have any feedback at all, be it to tell me you found a particular section confusing, or to let me know it was helpful, I would be more than happy to hear from you.

Unix the basics unix for mac free

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Unix Basics The Unix philosophy, which Mac OS X shares at its lower levels, can be summarized by the old adage that many hands make light work. Unix systems are full of commands—small programs that are highly specialized.

Each command does one thing, and does it well. Even though the foundations are simple, you can achieve powerful tasks by combining Unix commands. This section covers basic aspects of Unix, some of the most important Unix commands, and how you can combine them to achieve your objectives. Paths Much of the time spent interacting with an operating system involves working with files and directories (that is, folders).

$# In Unix

You have to be able to locate files, view or edit them, move them, remove them, and so forth. But all these actions require that you be able to stipulate to the operating system which file or directory a particular action involves. In Finder, you can select a file and drag it to the Trash if you want to remove it. On the command line, there are no file icons; so you need to give a path to any file or directory you want to use in a command. Unix paths can take one of two forms: absolute paths and relative paths. Absolute paths are spelled out in full with respect to the root directory.

Unix Basics Pdf

An absolute path begins with a forward slash, as in the following: cd /Users/terry/Desktop This line uses the cd command, which changes the current working directory of the shell. The current directory is set to the Desktop folder of user terry. With Safari, you learn the way you learn best. Get unlimited access to videos, live online training, learning paths, books, interactive tutorials, and more.